4 steps to creating the life you want.
this is a solid, simple, 4-step process for creating the life that you want, which ultimately leads to happiness.
we would acknowledge there are many things we need to focus on to look, feel, and perform our best. what we are talking about in this episode is the mental and emotional component.
in summary:
whether on your solitary walk or just going throughout your day. . .
- be as present as possible as often as possible.
- focus on the things you want and move towards the things you want with action steps.
- and notice when you’re not. notice when you’re focused on what you don’t want.
in this episode we discuss:
- conscious versus non-conscious mind.
- our definition of “presence.”
- our 4-step process.
scroll down for resources and handouts :)
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4-step process for creating the life you want:
- NOTICE. notice yourself caught up, triggered, upset, brooding, negative, or anything else that doesn’t serve you.
- COME BACK. come back to the present moment by listening, feeling the body, or focusing on the breath.
- FOCUS ON WHAT YOU WANT. ask yourself “what do I want instead?” this will force your non-conscious to look for positive solutions.
- FOCUS ON WHAT YOU CAN DO. what is something you can start doing NOW to move you in that direction?
it’s also beneficial to focus on those things that make you healthy:
download our 4-step process here along with some helpful notes…
at community.superhumantransformation.com