I was honored to be interviewed by Angie Peacock (of Medicating Normal documentary, and also one of our other LIVE recorded calls). Please take a moment to check out this…
Scheduling your health is a visualization process! Once you can see where it all fits in, it doesn’t seem so overwhelming! Start with by acknowledging the most important things: rise time…
Lose fat, feel amazing, minimize disease risk, and rediscover how you were meant to live… In 21 steps, with animal-based nutrition and ancestral-based health. Here’s the deal… The Holidays…
It’s all about the right light, at the right time, in the right amount! We’re so excited for this talk! Rudy has made the rounds on MANY high level podcasts…
Top Tips for Sleeping Better We had an AMAZING month of sleep! All of our seminars are recorded and UP inside our community SuperHumans United, along with all the PDF’s and handouts. Today…
A Conversation Around Cholesterol HOW DOES A LIPID PANEL HAVE SO MUCH POWER?! because we’ve been brainwashed for years to look at the wrong information. check out this short video…
How to Sleep Better Without Revamping your Life ever wondered how to prioritize and improve your sleep without re-vamping your entire life?? we are here to help with that :)…
Making an Argument for Sleep Recap did you know 🤔🤔 sleep is arguably one of the MOST important aspects of health?? the first step in improving sleep is UNDERSTANDING WHY…
successful evening things. my evening routine has been working really well lately. I’d like to share it. have a plan for dinner. don’t wing it. most of us skip breakfast. lunch is…
sun brightness, exposure, and protection. recommended guidelines for setting circadian rhythms. getting outdoors in the actual brightness of the sun is crucial for setting circadian rhythms in a positive direction. …
a client conversation around sun, sleep, using meditation, and nutrition travel tips. I had an amazing session with a client. we wanted to catch our key points on video and…
circadian rhythms and sleep this is a great primer on circadian rhythms and what you can do NOW to improve your sleep. scroll down for recommended reading and resources associated…
SHT Lifestyle Progression this progression is $125 for 4 weeks, 3 meetings, a journal, and handouts. it includes our Hiking, Camping, Outdoors 101 workshop. please RSVP here. existing SHT members…
learn to sleep like a freakin’ champ this program kicks off on Monday, July 23rd, hosted online, with no in-person meetings required. upon signing up you will receive a welcome…
our cell phones are making us sad. we came across this article today, about some new minimal phones coming out. I’m so interested in these phones after reading this article. …
how often should you get outside? you hear us talk about it all the time. how unbelievably important it is to get outside, to disconnect, to get some sun, to…
how to spring forward with daylight savings time has the time change affected you, your sleep, your energy levels, your productivity, or your mood? it is so interesting how we…