Lose fat, feel amazing, minimize disease risk, and rediscover how you were meant to live… In 21 steps, with animal-based nutrition and ancestral-based health. Here’s the deal… The Holidays…
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Lose fat, feel amazing, minimize disease risk, and rediscover how you were meant to live… In 21 steps, with animal-based nutrition and ancestral-based health. Here’s the deal… The Holidays…
Check out our latest and greatest SHT Talk where Mindy and Paul discuss lots of important info including (but not limited to): making real food work for life, seasonal produce,…
how often should you get outside? you hear us talk about it all the time. how unbelievably important it is to get outside, to disconnect, to get some sun, to…
say yes! support those who support you! I’ve been so blessed. ever since starting this holistic health journey, I have people that constantly show up, and constantly support. we all…