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You know how it is. You get excited about this thing. You decide to jump in.

The problem is, there’s no blueprint for what it is you want to do!


Maybe you’d benefit from hearing my personal story?


A quick summary of Paul’s story:

  • 10 years ago I decided to burn all my bridges with my other businesses.
  • I started out sleeping on my best friend’s father’s couch. I knew no one. I didn’t have facebook or IG.
  • I didn’t care because I knew I wanted to live a life of service. I wanted to help. I wanted to share the info I was continually learning and putting into practice. THERE WAS NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE IN MY MIND.
  • I knocked on doors. I got speaking engagements. I hung up posters in my neighborhood. I created FB not knowing anything about social media. I started a newsletter. I did a lot of things I didn’t know how to do. Most were uncomfortable.
  • As I committed myself to these different things, I was forced to put things into place.
  • And as I’ve moved forward with this, I’ve had to learn to be really honest about my results, do some self-reflection, and make changes. I still do this.
  • Today I’m still plugging away. My business continues to grow and evolve. I’m more clear now than ever on what I want it to do. And this is always changing as well.
  • You can read and prepare all you want – at some point, you just have to get out there and do it.

Here’s what I’ve learned:

  • My personal vision for myself is the most important thing I’ve created. It guides me every day:
    • Be as healthy as I can.
    • Share this gift of health with others.
    • Practice meditation and mindfulness so I can cultivate awareness.
    • YOUR TAKEAWAY – create a vision for yourself, and constantly revisit it.
  • Fully commit to whatever it is that you want to do, while being flexible and open to possibilities.
  • Take action! Say yes! Even if you’re not ready, because saying yes will force you to get ready.
  • There is no blueprint for YOU and exactly YOUR way of doing whatever it is you want to do!
  • Be honest with yourself vs rationalizing.
  • PERSONALLY I don’t focus on end results for happiness. I have goals which dictate my behavior. I understand a goal is nothing more than leverage to get me to do what it is I need to do. My happiness comes from connecting with my personal vision, all day, every day.

Listen in below for more or by searching WE ARE THE SHT ;) wherever you normally listen to podcasts!

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  1. Visit and download the free PDF on Debunking Conventional Wisdom and Status Quo with Truth-Based Solutions.

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Paul C. Tijerina

Paul C. Tijerina | BS MFT CPT NLP | Nutritional Therapist & ATAVIST Life Coach