Strategic Supplementation
supplementation can be beneficial within the context of eating 100% fresh real food according to the SHT way. we just want to make sure we are strategic with our supplementation :) in this episode:
- what is Strategic Supplementation?
- popular supplement myths.
- what superfoods we recommend consuming.
- what supplements we recommend taking.
- how we feel about plants.
- what special considerations we have for athletes.
scroll down for more resources and information.
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- download our Strategic Supplementation handouts :)
- food chain.
- food web.
- Brains and guts in human evolution: The Expensive Tissue Hypothesis.
- book Ancestral Appetites.
- book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.
- book The Vegetarian Myth.
- book Catching Fire.
- on soil degradation and nutrient depletion.
- nutrients for liver detoxification.
nose-2-tail superfoods, nutrients, and supplements.
- how to make bone stock.
- bone stock FAQ.
- store-bought bone stock options.
- bone marrow.
- bone meal.
- my favorite collagen peptides.
- my favorite collagen gelatin.
- beef liver, chicken liver.
- Ancestral Supplements – Beef Organs, Beef Liver, other supplements
plant-based support.
(in progress)
healing and recovery (including anti-inflammation).
- bone stock (1/2-1 quart). contains all the nutrients and cofactors necessary for cartilage, connective tissue, bones, and joints. here’s how to make bone stock, here’s store-bought bone stock options.
- virgin cod liver oil. a powerhouse and a superfood! with high levels of EPA & DHA which are great for anti-inflammation, and balanced levels of the very important fat-soluble nutrients including vitamins A & D.
- Rosita virgin cod liver oil capsules.
- Drop virgin cod liver oil capsules.
- take recommended serving with a meal to maximize absorption.
- powdered collagen. we recommend everyone take a minimum of 2 tbsp per day, up to as much as you can get in! for joints, tissue, skin, hair nails – everything! taking collagen daily mimics eating an animal from nose to tail. we recommend this brand as the most cost-effective. take 2 scoops with your evening meal (may help with sleep) or whenever is most convenient for you.
- magnesium. everyone would benefit from at least 300mg of quality magnesium. check out this post we did on magnesium. we sell a couple of great options in our office – Mg-Zyme and Acti-Mag Plus (designed for sleep). you can pick it up directly from us or we can drop-ship it to you. take 300mg+ of Mg with your evening meal.
- vitamin K2. CRUCIAL. a synergistic activator that orchestrates other nutrients. this is the nutrient Dr. Weston A. Price discovered that was so crucial in ancrestral health and so absent in Americans. we recommend a product with both MK4 and MK7 versions such as this one. take 2 capsules with your evening meal.
- vitamin C. supportive of building tissue along side collagen and the other fat-soluble nutrients mentioned here. also very immune boosting. we recommend the product we sell out of our office Bio-C Plus.
- vitamin D3. we believe everyone would benefit from 2,500 iu’s of a quality vitamin D3 supplement such as this one. take with any meal.
- creatine! for all the benefits, check out this post here. you can try a micronized monohydrate, or I’m on a creatine HCl version because the monohydrate messes my digestive system up.
- low-dose caffeine for a little energy boost. I like this one combined with L-theanine.
- cordyceps for a cardiovascular boost. I like this product from Onnit.
cognitive stack.
(in progress)
questions from podcast. . .
why do you use the word STRATEGIC in the supplementation realm?
we believe in real food first!
no amount of supplementation or superfoods will overcome, undo, or counter bad eating. make your primary focus real food, our way.
- we do well with nutrient density with maximum assimilation absorption because of our digestive system.
- we do well with direct nutrient to nutrient assimilation.
- we do NOT have the capacity to “ferment” in the way herbivores, hindgut, or foregut fermenters do.
- we do really well on cooked foods = smaller gut, smaller mouths.
- vitalism vs reductionism
- What can you say about these popular myths and why we as a community recommend staying away from them.
- multivitamin to cover bases.
- calcium supplementation.
- protein powders and meal replacements.
- pre workout, mid workout, post workout.
- If our community eats nutrient dense food/REAL food, why should we supplement?
- mimic evolutionary template. nose to tail.
- soil degradation and nutrient depletion.
- toxicity.
- stagnation and lack of variety.
- What supplements do you recommend for the community?
- superfoods first! things like meats, healthy fats like butter, etc.
- bone stockx
- bone marrow
- collagen
- organ meats esp liver
- D3
- Magnesium
- K2
- vitamin C
- superfoods first! things like meats, healthy fats like butter, etc.
- what about plant based?
- my humble thoughts.
- variety.
- polyphenols, hormetic stressors, herb
- what about athletes?
- Where can we find more about these specifics, which supplements, were to get them etc.
-Protein powders and shakes are a must for building muscle.
-Pre-workout is completely healthy and necessary before a workout.
-Taking a fish oil supplement is going to benefit you in the long run.
-Certain supplements are okay to take to either bulk up or slim down (supplements are the only way to bulk up or slim down).
find resources at:
other resources:
- information on EPA and DHA and other Omega-3 fatty acids.
- is iodine deficiency epedemic? here’s a great article.
- great information on egg yolks here, and another great article on the amazing egg yolk!
- here’s a great article on the benefits of eating nose to tail.
- great info on MCT’s, and another great one here. and here’s info on our beloved CapTri from Parrillo Performance.
- the ultimate resource on Vitamin K2.
- why cheese is so damn awesome.
- the definitive guide to nuts (and all their nutrients), including Brazil nuts and selenium.
- bone broth / stock! great article here, and another great one here.
- information on Vitamin C.
- butter.
- you can also visit US Wellness Meats and search for liverwurst or Braunschweiger or head cheese.